I'm using manten rocks for this scape. It is a nice rocks but the price also expensive, roughtly S$10 per kg. The good part for this scape is low maintenance. I just let the haigrass grow wild, no trimming what so ever, just enjoy it grow.
Tank size: 60x30x25cm
Light: 2x55W
CO2: 3bps with Up inline diffuser
Sunstrate: ADA Amazonia
Filter: Eheim 2215 (620 l/h)
Flora: Eleocharis parvula
- Neocaridina heteropoda var. "red"
- Caridina cantonensis sp. "red"
- Paracheirodon simulans (green neon tetra)
Here the hardscape before planting, the 2 small rocks at center was removed
Final scape photo
hi robert, may i know this tank water temp?
28-30 degree C, cooled using 24 hours GEX Aquarium fan.